Wednesday, December 10, 2008

desert food chain

Desert animals:cute Huh?

Kangaroo Rat
Genus: Dipodomys - only one in in genus
    The habitat of the Kangaroo Rat differs depending on the 
    area of North America that it lives.  They tend to live in 
    arid, open areas and only go out at night when the 
    temperatures are cooler
    The habitat of the Kangaroo Rat differs depending on the 
    area of North America that it lives.  They tend to live in 
    arid, open areas and only go out at night when the 
    temperatures are cooler.  

The kangaroo rat is almost perfectly adapted to life in the desert. They can survive without ever drinking any water, getting needed moisture from their seed diet. They have excellent hearing and can even detect the silent sound of an owl approaching. Their large back legs enable them to jump up to 9 feet (2.75m) in one jump in order to escape predators.

Genus: Suricata
Species: suricatta

    Meerkats live in underground tunnel systems 
    that they have either dug or inhabited from a previous 
    animal.  Meerkats use these tunnels for protection 
    against predators and will defend the burrows against 
    other meerkat mobs...Meerkat warfare.
    Approximate weight of a meerkat:
    Average weight is 1.5 - 1.6 lbs.
    Approximate size of a meerkat:
    Average length is 10 - 14 inches not including the tail.  
    The tail is 9 - 10 inches long.

Genus: Struthio
Species: camelus

    The habitat of the Ostrich is the dry savannahs as well as
    the open and desert areas of Africa.
    Approximate weight of an Ostrich:
    Approximately 200 - 250 lbs.
    Approximate size of an Ostrich:
    6 - 9 ft. in height.

Genus: Antilocapra
Species: americana

    The habitat of the Pronghorn is the deserts, grasslands 
    and plains of the western United States, southwestern 
    Canada and Mexico.
    Approximate weight of a Pronghorn:
    Average weight is 80 - 150 lbs.  Females typically weigh 
    less than males.
    Approximate length of a Pronghorn:
    3.5 - 5 ft.
    Approximate height at shoulder:
    3 - 3.5 ft.
Sidewinder Rattlesnake
Genus: Crotalus
Species: cerastes
The Sidewinder can often be found buried in the sand of 
the desert or in animal burrows.  The Sidewinder will 
mostly be seen at night as it is primarily nocturnal.

Sonoran Desert Toad
Genus: Bufo
Species: alvarius

Bugs and insects 
    The Sonoran Desert Toad will burrow underground, in 
    abandoned rodent tunnels if available
Approximate size of a Sonoran Desert Toad:
4 - 7 inches.